Hours of Operation: 8:30am - 8:00pm
Last entry 1.5 hours prior to close
Atop Lookout Mountain

See Rock City Birdhouses

About Our Rock City Birdhouses

History of the See Rock City Birdhouse

The legacy advertising of the “See Rock City” barn, billboard, and birdhouse has led people to Rock City Gardens for decades. In 1936, Clark Byers went on to paint “SEE ROCK CITY” on every barn he could, spanning as far north as Michigan and as far west as Texas. He then attempted to make a miniature barn, intending to sell it as a mailbox, but the U.S. Postal Service denied his prototype. Alternatively, Byers added holes to his miniature barn and turned it into a birdhouse. Thus, the See Rock City birdhouse was born! Now, you can find the familiar little barn everywhere, from front lawns to local businesses.

Buy A Birdhouse

see rock city birdhouse

Limited Edition Pink Survivor Birdhouse

Rock City Gardens is proud to bring back the special “Survivor Birdhouse” originally inspired by Chattanooga’s own Scenic City Survivors. This pink birdhouse, available annually in October, honors breast cancer awareness month and also serves in the community partnership between Rock City and the CHI Memorial Foundation for Rocktoberfest, Rock City’s German festival. Also available are pink birdhouse ornaments, mugs, and lapel pins. These pink products are only available through October 31, so don’t miss out!

A portion of the birdhouse proceeds goes to benefit the CHI Memorial Foundation in aiding their efforts for breast cancer awareness, as well as support for women diagnosed with breast cancer. Through education, support and advocacy, they strive to ensure that women living with a breast cancer diagnosis are not alone in their journey.

Rock City is committed to this cause and continuing its efforts of partnering with community organizations and maintaining a culture of excellence. To order your pink “Survivor Birdhouse,” click on the link at left (Survivor merchandise available annually each October each year).

Buy A Birdhouse

*Survivor merchandise available annually each October